Edit Parameters
Edit parameters for EAPHammer - so far it's only basic parameters like SSID, BSSID, Authentication type, KARMA, and EAP Negotiation.
Troll WinDefender
Trolls Windows Defender by spawning an AP with the name C:\Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1
Windows 11 may have patched this, as my Windows machines had no affect to this.
Captive Portal
Creates a captive portal to harvest credentials. Sometimes this is used interchanged with Evil Twin, but this is an AP which leads you to you log in on a web page. So far, you can't change the webpage without having to access EAPHammer's root files. Will add a fix soon.
Evil Twin
Creates an evil twin AP that makes nearby devices connect to, instead of the proper AP. There's a whole white page on this, but it's usually a matter of "which AP has the strongest RSSI."
The Evil twin AP (us) must match the same authentication as the target AP, so if an AP named "McDonalds" has WPA2 authentication, the evil twin must be the same. This allows the highest chance for clients to connect to our evil AP instead of the actual AP.
Redirect to SMB
Windows devices have the capability to authenticate with access points with SMB credentials, which we can harvest using Responder.
todo: fill this out properly
Last updated